Teaching with Technology at Emory

The Teaching and Learning Technologies team is here to support instructors in the use of digital teaching tools, from Canvas to LinkedIn Learning to video production. We support the Learning Management System with a variety of training and consultation options and can help adapt face-to-face teaching and assessment techniques to make the most of our wide variety of digital platforms.

How Can We Help

Need help with Canvas? We've recently updated our website to make things easier to find and expand our content. We have many resources available, from on-demand tutorials to direct support from the Emory Canvas team. Check out the sections of our new site below!

Canvas Features

Canvas is an innovative instructional tool designed with a broad range of features—learn about them here.

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Instructional Support

Get instructions and best practices for setting up your course, preparing for the start and end of semester, integrating additional technologies, and more.

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Inspiration & Design

Discover our advanced training cohorts—Teaching with Canvas and Universal Design for Learning in Practice—to up your Canvas skills.

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Learning & Training

See our on-demand and live training opportunities with flexible options for learning Canvas skills.

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Canvas for Students

Get help with using Canvas features for students and accessing your Canvas course content.

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Access resources about policies, enrollments, accessibility, and other course management topics.

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If you’re interested in posting content (journal articles, book chapters, multimedia, etc.) for which you do not own the copyright, please work through the Course Reserves system, and library staff will assist you with permissions, fair use, public domain, and other issues. It is a university requirement that copyrighted content for course reserves be managed through the Course Reserves system. You and your students can access reserves content from within your Canvas course under Library Course Reserves. Contact the Reserves staff by sending an e-mail to reserves@emory.edu. For more information on the use of copyrighted material, please see the Emory Libraries copyright policies.